Connecting with the Future: Digital Classroom a Success
Connecting young people with their marine environment inspires future stewardship. With Many YOUNGSTERS curious and passionate about marine life, we were really delighted to be able to reach out and share OUR ENTHUSIASM, knowledge AND ADVICE WITH SCHOOLS, RAISING AWARENESS OF the incredible species found off our coasts and CHAMPIONING pathways into gREEN careers.
These are just a small sample of the questions posed by children across Scotland to our team. Leading up to British Science Week, pupils across Scotland were ‘counting down the days’ to meet us online and ask their questions about what it is like to work with whales.
Thanks to support from Nature Scot’s Green Recovery Fund, we delivered 25 live Q&A sessions for 16 primary schools and 22 home educating families across the country, encouraging children to join classes online for their last week of online learning.
In total, over 350 children joined us and together they asked more than 400 amazing questions! These sessions were quick-fire, as the young enthusiasts came prepared with questions about whales and dolphins, life on board our research vessel, our scientific findings and careers at sea.
“Your live session has given us something to look forward too. The online resources are really great.”
Before joining the session, many of the classes took part in our brand new digital Floating Classroom on a Cloud series. This was launched in November 2020 thanks to a grant from People's Local Trust, raised by players of People's Postcode Lottery. We were very pleased to hear that these sessions really lifted spirits in the final week of online learning and that everyone particularly enjoyed getting creative, making posters, as well as putting their new species knowledge to the test in our virtual survey and marine sound quiz.
“We have loved taking part in all of the lessons, it’s a great way to encourage online learning and has given us a boost of energy and optimism. Thank you.”
Thanks again to everyone for joining us and making it a fantastic and successful week. We hope this will be the first of many online teaching events. Many thanks to NatureScot for supporting the important work we do and for making this possible.