Fair Work First Statement
The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) is committed to advancing the Fair Work First criteria as set out within the Scottish Government guidance document. Specifically:
Appropriate channels for effective voice
HWDT supports the development of a working environment where there is space for people to be heard, and where people can be who they are and can have choice and participate.
We have appropriate channels for an effective voice from the workforce and volunteers to be heard and used in charity decision making. We consult and ensure effective communication and feedback with employees.
Our employees are consulted, either informally or through staff surveys, when new policies are developed or decisions that impact the work environment are made. Employees have regular one-to-one meetings with line managers. Hybrid weekly team meetings are open to all employees and volunteers and provide a useful forum for our people to network, share learnings and raise issues and make suggestions.
Employees are engaged with strategic planning activities via workshops and informal brainstorming sessions and via shared planning documents on our SharePoint site. Staff have access to a data dashboard with the latest information on the organisations conservation policy work and survey data.
Investment in workforce development
We actively invest in workforce and volunteer development. We support learning and development across the organisation at individual, team and organisational level using a range of learning opportunities. We expect line managers and employees to proactively engage in career performance and development planning conversations regularly.
No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts
We are committed to no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts. HWDT have no employees on zero hours contracts.
Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
HWDT is fully committed to an inclusive culture that welcomes all people for who they are. There is no gender pay gap at HWDT. All employees carrying out the same role, with the same level of experience, are paid equally.
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer. At all stages of recruitment and during employment we will pay attention to the need to treat every person with fairness and respect regardless of their race, religion, age, gender, or sexual orientation. We recognise that we need diverse people to work both in the organisation and in the community to protect our seas.
Payment of the real Living Wage
We are fully committed to paying the real Living Wage to all our employees, including contractors and interns. The bottom of our pay scale reflects the 2023 real Living Wage and rate of pay adjustments are made annually in accordance with our organisational renumeration policy.
Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers
We offer flexibility to all our employees including the right to work from home as required, the details of these arrangements are outlined in the Hybrid Working Policy.
We provide mental health support and guidance for our employees including a named Wellbeing Ambassador, the details of these arrangements are outlined in the Mental Health Policy.
This statement has been agreed by both the employer and a workforce representative from the employees.