Conservation Partners

Working with selected partners is important to HWDT, because it helps us to build a long-term picture of UK cetacean populations and distributions, which is used by scientists and government bodies to inform conservation policies.


Sea Watch Foundation – conservation Partner

Sea Watch Foundation is a national charity working to improve the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and porpoises in British and Irish waters. HWDT are one of the regional coordinators for Sea Watch, providing sightings submitted through Whale Track so that sightings from the west coast of Scotland are represented in the national database.

For more information see:


The LINK Marine Group vision is of healthy, well-managed seas, where wildlife and coastal communities flourish and ecosystems are protected, connected and thriving, and coastal communities are sustained. HWDT along with seven other organisations are part of the group that share this vision, and together we have a stronger voice.

For more information see:

SMASS – Conservation Partner

The Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme (SMASS) collates data from stranded marine animals around Scotland. HWDT work closely with SMASS on issues such as large whale entanglement and HWDT staff have been trained by SMASS to respond to strandings around the west coast.  

For more information see:

BDMLR – conservation Partner

British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) is a voluntary network of trained marine mammal medics who are dedicated to the rescue and well-being of all marine animals in distress around the UK. HWDT work closely with BDMLR on the large whale entanglement project and HWDT staff are trained to respond to strandings around the west coast. 

For more information see:

WiSe - Conservation Partner

The WiSe (Wildlife Safe) scheme provides training and certification to marine users on how to responsibly watch wildlife and minimise any disturbance. HWDT are partners of the scheme and deliver WiSe certified training courses on the west coast of Scotland.

For more information see: The Wise Scheme