Tales from the Trail: Gairloch
Riley has enjoyed exploring the local Whale Trail sites in his area ©Steve Truluck
Join us for our weekly blog as we share experiences from sites along the Hebridean Whale Trail - this week we welcome a special guest blogger…Riley the dog!
Back in February I went on holiday to Mull. I was staying with a really nice human called Karl while my own human, Steve Truluck, went to do science on board a research boat called Silurian.
I liked Karl. Apart from taking me on really good walks and throwing me some sticks, he also took me to his office where other nice humans worked for Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT). Karl was working on a thing.
The thing was called the Hebridean Whale Trail! Wow this sounded exciting! I’ve seen loads of whales and dolphins with my human because he works for Hebridean Whale Cruises, based in Gairloch. My human is always out looking for whales, so here was a perfect chance for me to get some serious treat points in return for some intel for my human about the Whale Trail!
So I sat there, looking cute, trying to look all innocent with my big hairy ears and dopey eyes, behaving myself and giving cuddles. All the while I listened. I listened to what was planned. Over 30 sites located around the west coast of Scotland, which by coincidence is my favourite place in the whole wide world and it was being launched in June!! Apparently, it would be a place where whales and other sea-monsters abound!! And get this…Gairloch was to be one of the sites!
On his return, my human was absolutely delighted with all this intel and I got some extra stinky fishy treats to munch….
I like to think it was because of my intel that Hebridean Whale Cruises had their best season ever. Boy did they see whales. They even saw the sea-monsters called John Coe and Aquarius!! They also recorded the most sightings on HWDT’s Whale Track app this season. Good job they actually listened to me. See, I’m not just a handsome dopey eyed Spaniel…..
John Coe and Aquarius, two massive bulls from the West Coast Community ©Steve Truluck
They spent a lot of time watching whales and dolphins in locations close to 5 of the places on the Whale Trail which I’d told them all about. In particular, they saw loads of minke whales close to Kilt Rock on Skye; fin whales and Risso’s dolphins at Tiumpan Head on Lewis; and stacks of common dolphins and harbour porpoises at Gairloch itself. If you go on Whale Track you can see where all the sightings were recorded. You can then go and stand at the locations onshore along the trail and watch the animals yourself – amazing! Well worth having the app at your fingertips on your phone to see the latest updates, getting out on the trail and putting a smile on your face! If you take your dog, just remember to take lots of treats and put them on their lead if there’s any sheep around.
Fin whale - the second largest and fastest on the planet! ©Steve Truluck
And so the day finally came in October, when my human took me out on the Hebridean Whale Trail. We went to watch for the sea-monsters known as KILLER WHALES!!! He’d already seen them 3 times from the boat this season just out of Gairloch (right where I told him to look), but he didn’t take me. Apparently John Coe and Aquarius like eating mammals so maybe it was better I stayed at the office?
Despite the bad weather, orcas had been seen today from the Trail site at Tiumpan Head and were heading south. We travelled just out of Gairloch and took up a position looking out onto The Minch over towards Lewis. And would you believe it. A fin appeared. And then another. But sadly, they weren’t killer whales. Two Risso’s dolphins cruised passed us – amazing! I celebrated with a chase of the tennis ball before we watched the sunset over Skye and we headed back to base at Gairloch.
The Hebridean Whale Trail, where wondrous creatures - like me - go. Get out there!
The silhouette of a Risso’s dolphin at sunset ©Steve Truluck