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04 - 12 October 2025 *ONLY ONE BERTH AVAILABLE*

  • Tobermory Scotland (map)


Join us on board our research yacht, Silurian, as we depart from Tobermory to monitor the rich Hebridean seas. This unique eco-tourism experience is like no other in the UK; explore the wilds of the Hebrides, have some awesome wildlife experiences, meet fantastic people and join a community of people getting directly involved in the conservation of whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking sharks.

With rendezvous in Tobermory, this survey will allow for the exploration of seas around the Southern Hebrides (Islay, Jura, Colonsay, Gigha) alongside the Argyll Islands (Mull, Coll and Tiree) and the Small Isles (Muck, Eigg, Canna and Rum), although the area covered is dependent on the weather conditions and survey coverage to date.

Autumn in the Hebrides is a beautiful time, with the hillsides purple with heather. It’s the last push for many creatures to fatten up before the winter and many are foraging before departing for the open ocean or warmer climates to the south.

COST: £880 deposit (50% of the total cost) is required to secure your berth on board, with the remaining payment invoiced 100 days before the start of the expedition. The total cost of participating is £1,760 per person - this includes all food, accommodation (on board) and specialised equipment for the duration of the expedition but excludes transport costs to and from rendezvous.

DATES: Saturday 04 - Sunday 12 October 2025

DURATION: 9 days

RENDEZVOUS: Tobermory, Isle of Mull


Read the Terms and Conditions for participating in a Research Expedition HERE

By processing your non-refundable deposit payment you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, so please read carefully


Earlier Event: 21 September
21 - 29 September 2025 *LIMITED AVAILABILITY*