Close encounters of the whale kind…

The team on the sixth research expedition of the season encountered ten minke whales while circumnavigating Islay and Jura. Read all about their experiences here…


We were welcomed on Silurian by our crew, Charlie, Lenny, Jenny and Jess, before learning about the safety of the vessel and how to use the heads! We ate delicious dinner prepared by Jess, and then heard about the species we are looking to survey throughout the week. A late night due to all the excitement and first night in our bunks for the trip.


Before leaving Tobermory, we were trained on how to survey and how to stay safe on top of the boat. Then we set off down the Sound of Mull during a slight shower however, after some time it cleared up to brighter skies with a sighting of a common seal and a white-tailed eagle around Craignure. Coming through the Firth of Lorn, we headed towards Easedale where we were met with a rough mooring, causing us to head down the Cuan Sound to a very still spot to sleep.


We woke up to sunshine and the most stunning views from our sheltered inlet. Glorious passage down the east coast of Jura, mainly under sail. We had views of the Paps of Jura all day, and the peaks of Arran. We were lucky to have moderate to good sight ability all day, no rain but some glare from the sun!
Today's super sightings included magnificent minkes and a small family of happy harbour porpoises. The morning especially was crammed with creels, keeping us all busy recording.
Bird highlights include storm petrels, gorgeous guillemots, the occasional puffin and razorbills.
The day concluded with a celebratory cheese board (thank you Jenny), and a truly magical trip ashore via the tender to a deserted white sandy beach where most of us swam.  Bracing but invigorating....looking forward to tomorrow!


We woke very early so the crew could get us around the tides of The Oa and Rhinns of Islay.  Smooth seas and overcast and cold at the start followed by extremely choppy seas with some feeling green.  We spotted many sea birds and a minke in that time.  Good seas later in the afternoon which brought good luck with a friendly minke.  Ellen treated us to excitement and goosebumps with her enthusiasm charging forward to greet the minke.  He stayed with us for sometime and then we sailed in to glorious sunshine and calm seas.  Isaac bravely headed to the crowsnest and everyone is happy to be headed ashore for a BBQ and swim with seals bobbing around watching us from afar. A wonderful day.


After a well needed lie in, we set off from our mooring off of Islay where we were met by rough waves and lots of rain. After getting wet for some time we came across three minke whales, one of which was very camera shy. After the encounters, the sky cleared up and we were able to gracefully glide past the Garvellachs to a mooring at Puilladonhrain for some delicious haggis and great games.


Our final day of surveying - we headed up the Sound of Mull, weaving between the ferries and large numbers of yachts enjoying the sailing conditions past the beautiful Morvern peninsula.

Sarah was surprised on mast by a very close whale surfacing next to the boat. We got a great view and Jenny took some photo ID images of the animal as it swam around the boat. We enjoyed sunshine in the final hours of the expedition and it was tropical as we arrived back in to Tobermory.

Just time to clean the boat, clean ourselves and enjoy a great meal together!

Across the week, the group surveyed nautical 360 km of Hebridean seas, recording five species of marine mammals.


Anyone can join a research expedition. This vital data collection programme is made possible by you participating - over 2 decades more than 1,000 people have joined, gathering a colossal amount of data, used to better understand and protect these awesome creatures in our waters.