Sea-Changers support HWDT's education programme


We are delighted to announce that HWDT has been awarded a grant from Sea-Changers, to support our Hebridean Marine Explorer’s online education programme, celebrating the amazing diversity of marine life found in Scottish waters and connecting children with our seas.

Sea-Changers is a marine conservation charity, managed by a small team of volunteers who love the UK's seas, shores and wildlife. They give grants to a range of projects engaged in marine clean up action, education and awareness raising about marine conservation issues, species and habitat protection, and conservation research. This year they are celebrating their 10th anniversary and the incredible impact they have made after generating and distributing significant donations from a range of businesses to the UK marine conservation community, enabling 194 conservation projects to take place.

This most recent grant from Sea-Changers will help to support the development of HWDT’s online education programme, following on from the successful launch of our digital Floating Classroom on a Cloud last year. Later this summer, we we will deliver quality-learning experiences for hundreds of children and young people across Scotland. Schools and teachers will gain new and inspiring digital learning resources focused around whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking sharks. In addition, we will deliver interactive live online teaching sessions, where pupils from across Scotland can meet our team and ask their questions. Together these experiences help individuals to explore the challenges that these animals face and encourage children and young people to feel empowered to join in and take an active role in marine conservation.

For more information on Sea-Changers and to learn more about the latest round of funded projects, please visit the Sea-Changers website.