HWDT's Big Give Christmas Challenge: Sails for Whales

Silurian surveying Hebridean Seas

Silurian surveying Hebridean Seas

HWDT is excited to have been selected to participate in The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2017 with our project, 'Sails for Whales', to raise money for Silurian. For the past 15 years our iconic vessel has undertaken cetacean research surveys, covering more than 100,000km of Hebridean Seas, and doubled as a floating classroom welcoming aboard young people for unique learning workshops.

With your help, this winter Silurian will undergo some significant maintenance and needs some new equipment to ensure she is 'ship-shape' for another 15 years of marine research.

We are extremely grateful to our pledgers and The Reed Foundation for championing our project, generating a matching pot of £2,200, which means that donations will be doubled until the matching pot is empty! Our ambition is to raise in excess of £4,400.

If you would like to donate to the Sails for Whales project, please follow the link between noon Tuesday 28th November (#GivingTuesday) and noon Tuesday 5th December to ensure your donation is doubled.

Thank you for your support!

Published on 31 May 2016 A brief animation to explain how the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2017 works. For more information, please visit www.thebiggive.org.uk/christmas-challenge/ If you're thinking of applying and want to get in touch, please email info@thebiggive.org.uk.